Wishes, Kisses, and Pigs
Section 1 p. 1-27

Character Sketcher
Your job is to sketch Louise.
Discussion Director
Your job is to ask 5 questions, the answers to your questions, and the page and paragraph where the answers are found (if possible).

2 fact/opinion
1 problem/solution
1 thinking question
Passage Picker
Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

1 descriptive
1 foreshadowing
1 personification
1 on your own
Word Wizard
Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following words:

Eerie  p.6 par.1
Obediently p.12 par.1
Sulk  p.18 par.6
Accord  p.24 par.4
Artful Artist
Your job is to draw a picture that illustrates what you liked best about the story.  After finishing your picture, write about your drawing. Include in your response:
• who or what the picture is about
• where the picture takes place
• when it is happening

Wishes, Kisses, and Pigs
Section 1 p.1-27
Job Examples

Character Sketcher
Character Traits-Louise

1. Powerful p.2 par.5
    Louise is powerful because she wished her brother to be a pig and it happened.
2. Suspicious p.15 par.6-11
    Louise is suspicious that Willie really has turned into a pig.
3. Surprised p.19 par.11
    Louise is surprised to see that her wish did come true and her brother, Willie, really has
    turned into a pig.

Character Goal:
Louise’s goal is to figure out if the new pig in the pen is really her brother.
Louise’s problem is wishing her brother, Willie, were a pig.
Solution or Possible Solution:
Louise and her mother must think of a plan to make Willie human again.

See the below for drawing.
Discussion Director

1. What did Louise wish about her brother?
    Louise wished that her brother, Willie, were a pig.
    p.2 par.4
2. Describe and tell about Maybelle Watkins.
    Maybelle Watkins is Willie’s girlfriend and the sheriff’s niece. She has a round, pink
    face, curly hair, and Louise despises her. She says Maybelle is hoity-toity and greedy.
    p.11 par.2-3 and p.20 par.2-3
3. How do you think Louise and her mother will solve the problem of Willie as a pig?
    I think that Louise and her mother will figure out a way to turn Willie back into a
    human by trying to wish on the star again.
    p.27 par.1-3
4. Describe Willie as a boy and as a pig.
    Willie as a human had blond hair, he was a hefty boy, blue eyes.  As a pig, he was
    friendly and favored the human Willie.
    p.2 par.3
5. How do you think Willie will act as a pig to get out of this situation?
    I think that Willie will keep trying to talk to Louise and help them figure out a plan
    to change him back into a human.
    p.20 par.10

Passage Picker
1. “Willie’s blond hair glowed white in the evening light.”
    p.2 par.3   Descriptive
    This passage is a descriptive passage because it tells about what Willie looks like.
    Do you think Willie’s appearance reflects his appearance as a pig?
    Yes, because he is said to be hefty, have light hair, and blue eyes
    I think the author wanted to include this passage in the story because he wanted to
    emphasize the importance of the similarities between the human and animal Willie.
2. “Beware of what you’ve wished for.”
    p.3 par.1   Foreshadowing
    This passage is foreshadowing because is leads up to what Louise has actually wished
    Do you think Louise will be able to wish Willie back into a human again?  Explain.
    Yes, I think Louise will be able to wish Willie back into a human again because she
    possesses some kind of special power and it seems that if she can turn him into a pig,
    then she should be able to reverse it.
    I think the author wanted to include this passage in the story because it gives a
    mysterious outlook on the situation.
3. “Am Welly!”
    p.19 par.8    Personification
    This passage is personifying Willie the pig as a human by talking.
    Do you think that Willie will learn to communicate with Louise and their mother in
    order to help himself?
    Yes, I think that Willie will begin to talk more because he is trying now to relearn how
    to talk to Louise.  If he wants to be human again, I am sure that he will do all he can to
    learn to communicate once again.
    I think the author wanted to include this passage in the story to portray the human
    Characteristics of the pig.
4. “Bless his heart.  I was so fearful he’d gone off and gotten hurt.”
    p.22 par.4
    I chose this passage on my own because I thought it was really odd how the mother
    was not very surprised or worried about her son being missing.
    Do you think that this is normal in this family?  Do they have special powers?
    This “magic” must be pretty normal or Louise and her mother wouldn’t be so
    nonchalant about the whole issue. They just act like Willie’s change could happen
    I think the author wanted to include this passage in the story because he wanted to give
    way to the reader trying to figure out what is going to happen to Willie the pig.
Word Wizard

1. eerie p.6 par.1
“Louise was used to the sound, but still seemed eerie to hear it call all evening.”
Adjective-suspicious, spooky
Eerie-weird, strange
This word adds meaning to the story in that it helps explain and build on the mystery of the story of a boy turned into a pig.
2. obediently p.12 par.1
“The pig trotted around and around Mama, then followed her obediently back to the pen.”
Adverb-mindful, following directions
Obediently-doing what is told
This word adds meaning to further describe Willie’s want to be noticed.
3. sulk p.18 par.6
“And don’t get into a sulk, either.  Mama and I are thinking about what to do.”
Verb-to be silent and sad
Sulk-to be upset
This word helps describe Willie’s attitude towards being a pig with no hope.
4. accord p.24 par.4
“ I know that, Clara, that’s why I asked you right off whether he might’ve left his own accord, so to speak.”
Noun-home, sense of belonging
Accord-harmony, peace
This word helps the reader to try to figure out the motive behind the missing Willie.

See below for word wizard card examples.
Artful Artist

See below for example.

Character Sketcher-Louise

Word Wizard Card-Front

Word Wizard Card-Front

Word Wizard Card-Back

Word Wizard Card-Back

Artful Artist
Title Page
Book Synopsis
Goals & Objective
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 8